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You agree that your access to and use of this website is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this legal notice and all applicable laws when you use this website in any way. You agree that that your access to and use of this website is undertaken at your own risk. Please note that the terms and conditions set forth in this legal notice are subject to change at any time without any prior notice.



All contents on is the property of Cemarose Canada and Cemarose France, and these include our logo, graphics, texts, icons and images. Use of this website or these contents are restricted to non-commercial uses related to shopping with Cemarose only.


Limitation of Liability

Cemarose makes no representations or warranties of any kind related to the content, products, and any other information on this site. You agree that you use this site at your sole risk.

Cemarose reserves the right to make any changes to the content, products, and any other information on this site without prior notice.

Cemarose does NOT warrant that this site, its servers, emails, or messages sent from this site are free of viruses or other harmful components. Cemarose will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from using this site.



The guaranteed prices are those displayed on the website at the time of order placement. These prices may be modified at any time without any prior notice. Please note that these prices may vary from Cemarose retail stores and other retail stores.